Tile database corrupt windows 10
Tile database corrupt windows 10

The shortcut in the Start Menu is somehow version specific, and craps out when the connection between it and the actual Chrome application is broken. Chrome updates in the background without notification. Here's my guess (and it's just that): There was a shortcut to Chrome on the Start Menu after the System Restore was performed. Chrome was the only program affected by that particular restore point, and once it was out of the way, Start began working again. The Start Menu started working again after I rolled it back past a Chrome update. I rolled it back one point at a time, scanning for affected programs each time before pulling the trigger.

tile database corrupt windows 10

May have stumbled across the answer during that process. At this point, I start rolling it back with System Restore, since the Start Menu was working fine last week. Created a new User acct, verified that I could launch programs from its Start Menu, followed the 6 steps above, still no luck. Tried naming the entire TileDataLayer folder to "old", no luck.

tile database corrupt windows 10

Tried renaming the DB folder to "old", no luck.

tile database corrupt windows 10

I've followed the steps above to no avail. Banging my head against the wall on this one.

Tile database corrupt windows 10